If you have forgotton your MySQL root password but you are using IspCP, you got luck. Create the following pearl script in the folder /var/www/ispcp/engine
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/";
require 'ispcp_common_code.pl';
use strict;
use warnings;my ($rs, $rdata) = (undef, undef);
my $current_db_pass = undef ;
if(exists $main::cfg{'DATABASE_PASSWORD'} && $main::cfg{'DATABASE_PASSWORD'}) {
$current_db_pass = $main::cfg{'DATABASE_PASSWORD'};
} else {
$current_db_pass = '';
($rs, $current_db_pass) = decrypt_db_password($current_db_pass);print STDOUT $current_db_pass;
Make the file executable and run it. It will print out your root password. Please not that this only prints the password stored encrypted in the ispcp settings.
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